How One iQor Employee Faces Mental Health Challenges

As society continues to evolve, so does our awareness and understanding of mental health. In recognition of World Mental Health Day 2024, we at iQor reflect on the importance of mental health in both our personal lives and professional environments. From challenging the stigma surrounding mental health to creating supportive workplaces, advocating for mental well-being is integral to our collective success.  

iQor Senior Enterprise Proposal Writer Kristi Weldon shares her personal mental health journey, providing invaluable insights into the intersection of her mental well-being and her professional life. Her story is one of resilience and advocacy, inspiring all of us to take mental health seriously, both for ourselves and our colleagues. 

Finding Strength in the Struggle

Kristi’s journey with mental health began in her early teenage years when she struggled with depression and suicidal thoughts. At the time, she didn’t have the language to describe her emotions and wasn’t aware that her overwhelming feelings were symptoms of depression.  

Kristi mustered the courage to reach out to her school guidance counselor, but her family’s reaction was less than supportive due to the stigma surrounding poor mental health. Her family’s concern about the social perception of her struggles only reinforced the isolation she felt. 

It wasn’t until years later that Kristi was diagnosed with bipolar disorder at age 32. A turning point in Kristi’s journey came during a hospitalization due to suicidal thoughts. This pivotal moment gave her a deeper understanding of her anxiety and bipolar disorder, and, with the support of healthcare professionals, she learned how to manage her mental health more effectively. 

“Had I not gone through that hospitalization, I would be struggling with something that I don’t have to and that there’s treatment for.”

Overcoming Misconceptions About Mental Health

Kristi has also experienced deep-seated stigmas attached to mental health. Throughout her life, she’s faced situations where people reacted negatively when learning about her diagnosis. She recounts a moment during a writer’s meeting when she mentioned being bipolar. An attendee picked up his chair and moved away from her, treating her as though she had a contagious disease. 

Despite hurtful encounters such as this, Kristi remains committed to breaking down unfair beliefs surrounding mental health. Rather than internalizing these reactions, she views them as a reflection of others’ ignorance, not a judgment of her own worth. Through her openness, Kristi aims to show that mental health challenges are nothing to be ashamed of and that seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness.

“Anyone at any given time can have a mental health challenge.”

You Are Not Alone

Kristi emphasizes the importance of building a supportive network to mitigate feelings of loneliness. Building connections with others — whether through personal relationships or professional support systems — can make a significant difference for individuals dealing with mental health issues. 

The Importance of a Supportive Workplace Environment  

When Kristi first joined iQor in 2021, she kept her mental health struggles private. For the first year and a half, no one knew about her mental health challenges. She was hesitant to disclose this due to negative experiences in past workplaces where she had been “burned” before.  

However, as she settled in, she recognized the importance of fostering a safe and supportive workplace. Kristi says that when employees feel comfortable disclosing their mental health challenges, they are happier and more productive.  

Leaders play a critical role in this. Kristi’s boss created an open and supportive environment that empowered her to seek help and feel comfortable at work. Kristi’s advice to leaders is clear: recognize that employees may be struggling with undiagnosed mental health issues and cultivate a workplace where they feel safe to seek help and receive the support they need.

“I’m very fortunate to have a wonderful boss who’s been very supportive of me and has allowed me to be open and communicative about my issues.”

The Role of Professional Support and Employee Assistance Programs 

Professional support systems, such as employee assistance programs (EAPs), are invaluable for employees navigating mental health challenges. Kristi credits her diagnosis and subsequent mental health management to the support she received through her employer’s EAP, which provided her with access to specialists and essential resources. EAPs play a critical role in helping employees manage mental health by offering short-term counseling and referrals for long-term care.  

“It was a counselor through work that actually got me help and got me diagnosed initially,” Kristi shares, highlighting how crucial these programs can be in providing employees with access to life-changing resources. 

Moreover, Kristi underscores the importance of seeking specialized mental health professionals. For her, psychiatric specialists provided the expertise needed to tailor her treatment effectively. Following the guidance of healthcare professionals is key to successfully managing mental health. 

Balancing Career and Mental Health

For Kristi, balancing a demanding career with mental health challenges has been a journey of self-awareness and adaptability. One of the key lessons she’s learned is the importance of finding a role that aligns with your strengths and preferences. Kristi thrives in a high-stress, fast-paced environment, describing her work style as similar to that of a sprinter — handling short bursts of intensity. She acknowledges that this approach isn’t for everyone: “Figure out what you like, what you’re good at, and what you enjoy, and start from there to build your career while balancing your mental health.” 

Another important aspect of maintaining this balance is setting boundaries and incorporating mental health needs into your daily routine. Kristi explains that if you require time for self-care, such as journaling or therapy, finding a job with flexible hours can make all the difference. “Build balancing your mental health into your career,” she encourages, stressing the importance of crafting a professional life that supports rather than hinders your well-being. 

By setting realistic expectations and learning when to step back, she’s been able to create a healthier, more sustainable work-life balance. Her story highlights that success in both career and mental health requires ongoing self-awareness, flexibility, and the courage to prioritize your well-being. 

Kristi’s Strategies and Coping Mechanisms

In addition to professional support, Kristi has developed a range of strategies to help manage her mental health. She finds solace in daily practices like journaling and meditation, which allow her to process her emotions and stay centered. Music is also a vital part of her routine, and she often turns to her favorite band, Shinedown, whose songs frequently explore themes of mental health. “They’ve been singing about mental health for 20 years,” Kristi explains, underscoring how their music has become a grounding force that helps her navigate difficult moments. 

Visualization exercises, which are mindfulness techniques in which individuals create vivid images in their minds, are another tool Kristi uses to stay focused and maintain emotional balance. These techniques and her dedication to self-care help her manage the challenges of a high-pressure job while maintaining her well-being. 

When it comes to handling negative reactions to her mental health, Kristi’s approach is both empowering and pragmatic. Rather than engaging in conflict, she chooses to let others’ reactions reflect their own ignorance, not her worth. “The only thing I can control is me,” she says, highlighting the importance of self-awareness in managing both internal struggles and external perceptions. Her calm and composed mindset allows her to protect her peace while educating others about mental health through her actions. 

Kristi’s Career Journey and Message to iQor Employees

Kristi’s career path is a testament to her resilience and determination. With roles ranging from sales to teaching to her current position as a senior enterprise proposal writer at iQor, Kristi’s professional journey is marked by significant achievements. Her credentials — including a CF-APMP certification through the Association of Proposal Management Professionals (APMP) — and her leadership role as iQor’s Loopio Champion for Loopio proposal management software highlight her dedication to her work.      

To her colleagues at iQor and beyond, Kristi’s message is one of hope and solidarity. She encourages employees to utilize the mental health resources available through the company’s benefits and to seek support when needed. Understanding the varied perceptions of mental health across different regions across the globe is also crucial in fostering an inclusive and supportive work environment.   

At iQor, supporting mental health is an integral part of fostering a diverse, equitable, and inclusive workplace. As Kristi’s story illustrates, mental health challenges can impact anyone, and creating an environment where employees feel safe to seek support is essential. iQor’s commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) extends beyond recognizing differences — it involves actively providing resources and creating spaces where all employees can thrive, both personally and professionally. 

iQor encourages every team member to embrace their unique journey. Together, we can continue to break down barriers, reduce stigma, and ensure that everyone feels valued and supported. 

Kristi Weldon is a senior enterprise proposal writer at iQor who advocates for mental health resources and well-being. She is also the leadership cohort and chair for the APMP Mental Health Affinity Group. Connect with Kristi on LinkedIn to discover more about her mission to strengthen mental health awareness in the workplace. 

At iQor, creating a safe space for employees to seek support is essential. If you or someone you know is facing a mental health crisis, please download our list of available helplines for suicide prevention and mental health resources across the countries where we operate.  


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